The Rise

 The Rise

When looking at yourself in the mirror, in the moments between the moments where it’s just you...what do you feel? What whispers call to your soul? Can you hear the voice that calls forth the greatness that’s inside you? Because there is greatness inside everyone. But you must believe there is greatness in you if you are to fully awaken to it. Only you can claim that for yourself, that is your power, your choice.

The calling to your greatness can happen first through a vision or voice.

A vision you hold in your mind of what is possible for you. The person you aspire to become, the version of you that hasn’t yet been unlocked. It’s possible. That’s why you see it. And if you don’t see it, can you at least hear it? Can you hear that voice inside of you that calls you to take a better action? Do you hear the voice of your intuition guiding you, like the gentle waters of a small wave moving a petal across a vast ocean?

Like many, you may encounter a period where you are in a state of non-acceptance. This is a time when you first become aware of the vision or voice that calls to you but you don’t trust it. There is a non-acceptance because it seems so unlike what you are experiencing now. There seems to be so much ground to cover from where you are and where that desire you hold is. You don’t see how that could ever be something that you will attain. You think “ that’s impossible for me”. But it is possible, and you must believe that to achieve what it is that calls you your soul. That reality is in your power to live, to create and it happens one action at time. Every consecutive action builds your vision.

The rise is the journey of your state of awareness shifting. It’s when you become aware and trust the insights being shown to you of what you are capable of, who you are, why you are here.

Once you accept that your desire is true for you

the realms of your life open,

an invisible doorway appears,

and you ascend through it,

opened to the power to act in accordance with the best of what you are.

As ‘they’ say, you can’t undo what you know.

Once you know in your heart, in your bones, what it is you are called to do, who it is you are:

every moment,

every experience,

every opportunity,

every person you meet is a space in which you can choose to live in the rise of what you now know to be true for you.

Welcome to the journey of your life.

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